سؤال 3 صفحة 23 +مع شرح القاعدة للفهم من كتاب الطالب
- بداية يجب أن نعرف أن الأسماء في الانجليزية تنقسم إلى نوعين :
1. أسماء تعد Countable Nouns وهي غالبا تنتهي ب S الجمع مثل
- seconds ثواني , people ناس , worries مخاوف , signs إشارات – علامات , shops محلات , times مرات ,
Volcanoes بركان , ruins أطلال - حطام , programmes برامج , sites مواقع
2. أسماء لا تعد Uncountable nouns وهي أسماء لا تعد ( أي أنها مفرد لا تنتهي ب ( S
Attention انتباه , volcano ash رماد البركان , time وقت , damage أذى – ضرر , money نقود , smoke دخان
Lava حمم بركانية , knowledge معرفة , gold ذهب
- وعند التمييز بين countable and uncountable لا يجب ان نخلط بين العربية والانجليزية فكل لغة لها سماتها الخاصة .
1. a lot of كثير من ( في الجمل المثبتة مع الأسماء التي تعد والتي لا تعد )
There were a lot of signs of volcano activity .
People who had a lot of money collected art .
2. Many كثير ( في السؤال و الجمل المنفية مع الأسماء التي تعد )
Were there many people who escaped ?
Vesruvius did not erupt many times .
3. Much كثير ( في السؤال والجمل المنفية مع الأسماء التي لا تعد )
Did the volcano produce much lava ?
People did not pay much attention to the signs .
4. a few قليل , few , very few تستخدم مع الأسماء التي تعد فقط
5. much , a little , very little , little تستخدم مع الأسماء التي لا تعد فقط
6. a lot of , lots of مع الأسماء التي تعد والتي لا تعد
- a little = a small amount كمية صغيرة - little = a very small amount كمية صغيرة جدا من
- a few = a small number of عدد قليل من - few = a very small number of عدد صغير جدا من
- تستخدم little / few لتضح النقص في شيء ما
- little = few = hardly any بالكاد
- a little = a few = not very much ليس كثيرا جدا
1. The earthquake caused little damage . = The people had few worries = hardly any
2. The earthquake caused a little damage = The people had a few worries . = not very much
سؤال 4
Page 20 Request طلب or Offer عرض
1. Can you + inf. ………………? Can you do me a favor ? Sure بالتأكيد
2. I’d like you to + inf. …………….. I'd like you to give this letter to Ahmad . Ok .
1. Would you like me to + inf. …… ? Would you like me to show you ?
2. Ok. I'll +inf. ……………………. Ok, I'll do that
3. Shall I + inf. …………………….. ? Shall I open it for you ? No, I'll do it .
1. record the match tonight . ( Ask a favour ) I'd like you to record the match tonight ?
2. you friend has got two heavy bags ? ( Make an offer ) Shall I help you with your bags ?
. Page 57 Ex. 4 Reported questions
Reported questions
Reported questions د !" ة ا %&'" ا () ا %* + ," ط ا ./" ا 0+
Indirect speech 78 93" ا 7BC م ;<" ا 1" إ Direct speech 78 93" م ا ;<" ا 0+ ال >!" ل ا '?5 /5 أ 1/234
() /+ زS ا I ف أو 725 أن 78 93" ا 7BC 1" إ 78 93" ا 0+ JG'?K" ا BLB آ درا J9O I أو EFG و
ا . %* V,+ W" ن ذ I 0+ ز J ن آ '<KG 3+ . و GTBUF5I ا
1. Present Simple \B!9" رع ا ^3" ا
verb 1 J2LU" ول S ا _G7`K" ا ' ه
2. Past Simple \B!9" ا (d 3" ا
verb 2 J2LU" (5 e" ا _G7`K" ا ' ه
3. Present Perfect م K" رع ا ^3" ا
Have / has + P.P.
4. Past perfect م K" ا (d 3" ا 0+ ز
Had + P.P
5. Present Continuous 73K!3" رع ا ^3" ا 0+ ز
Subject + am / is / are + verb + ing
6. Past Continuous 73K!3" ا (d 3" ا 0+ ز
Was / were + verb + ing
78 93" ا 7BC 1" إ 78 93" ا 0+ JG'?K" ا %/o
. (d + 1" رع إ ^+ أي JG'?q 0+ %4I
- بداية يجب أن نعرف أن الأسماء في الانجليزية تنقسم إلى نوعين :
1. أسماء تعد Countable Nouns وهي غالبا تنتهي ب S الجمع مثل
- seconds ثواني , people ناس , worries مخاوف , signs إشارات – علامات , shops محلات , times مرات ,
Volcanoes بركان , ruins أطلال - حطام , programmes برامج , sites مواقع
2. أسماء لا تعد Uncountable nouns وهي أسماء لا تعد ( أي أنها مفرد لا تنتهي ب ( S
Attention انتباه , volcano ash رماد البركان , time وقت , damage أذى – ضرر , money نقود , smoke دخان
Lava حمم بركانية , knowledge معرفة , gold ذهب
- وعند التمييز بين countable and uncountable لا يجب ان نخلط بين العربية والانجليزية فكل لغة لها سماتها الخاصة .
1. a lot of كثير من ( في الجمل المثبتة مع الأسماء التي تعد والتي لا تعد )
There were a lot of signs of volcano activity .
People who had a lot of money collected art .
2. Many كثير ( في السؤال و الجمل المنفية مع الأسماء التي تعد )
Were there many people who escaped ?
Vesruvius did not erupt many times .
3. Much كثير ( في السؤال والجمل المنفية مع الأسماء التي لا تعد )
Did the volcano produce much lava ?
People did not pay much attention to the signs .
4. a few قليل , few , very few تستخدم مع الأسماء التي تعد فقط
5. much , a little , very little , little تستخدم مع الأسماء التي لا تعد فقط
6. a lot of , lots of مع الأسماء التي تعد والتي لا تعد
- a little = a small amount كمية صغيرة - little = a very small amount كمية صغيرة جدا من
- a few = a small number of عدد قليل من - few = a very small number of عدد صغير جدا من
- تستخدم little / few لتضح النقص في شيء ما
- little = few = hardly any بالكاد
- a little = a few = not very much ليس كثيرا جدا
1. The earthquake caused little damage . = The people had few worries = hardly any
2. The earthquake caused a little damage = The people had a few worries . = not very much
سؤال 4
Page 20 Request طلب or Offer عرض
1. Can you + inf. ………………? Can you do me a favor ? Sure بالتأكيد
2. I’d like you to + inf. …………….. I'd like you to give this letter to Ahmad . Ok .
1. Would you like me to + inf. …… ? Would you like me to show you ?
2. Ok. I'll +inf. ……………………. Ok, I'll do that
3. Shall I + inf. …………………….. ? Shall I open it for you ? No, I'll do it .
1. record the match tonight . ( Ask a favour ) I'd like you to record the match tonight ?
2. you friend has got two heavy bags ? ( Make an offer ) Shall I help you with your bags ?
. Page 57 Ex. 4 Reported questions
Reported questions
Reported questions د !" ة ا %&'" ا () ا %* + ," ط ا ./" ا 0+
Indirect speech 78 93" ا 7BC م ;<" ا 1" إ Direct speech 78 93" م ا ;<" ا 0+ ال >!" ل ا '?5 /5 أ 1/234
() /+ زS ا I ف أو 725 أن 78 93" ا 7BC 1" إ 78 93" ا 0+ JG'?K" ا BLB آ درا J9O I أو EFG و
ا . %* V,+ W" ن ذ I 0+ ز J ن آ '<KG 3+ . و GTBUF5I ا
1. Present Simple \B!9" رع ا ^3" ا
verb 1 J2LU" ول S ا _G7`K" ا ' ه
2. Past Simple \B!9" ا (d 3" ا
verb 2 J2LU" (5 e" ا _G7`K" ا ' ه
3. Present Perfect م K" رع ا ^3" ا
Have / has + P.P.
4. Past perfect م K" ا (d 3" ا 0+ ز
Had + P.P
5. Present Continuous 73K!3" رع ا ^3" ا 0+ ز
Subject + am / is / are + verb + ing
6. Past Continuous 73K!3" ا (d 3" ا 0+ ز
Was / were + verb + ing
78 93" ا 7BC 1" إ 78 93" ا 0+ JG'?K" ا %/o
. (d + 1" رع إ ^+ أي JG'?q 0+ %4I